Regional growth supported by government funding

The Australian Government has recognised the importance of the ongoing work of the Regional Development Australia (RDA) Network in driving economic development and growth across regional Australia.

In late October 2020, the Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories, the Hon Nola Marino MP, announced the Australian Government’s recommitment to the RDA Network, including RDA Mackay Isaac Whitsunday.

Service agreements supporting the RDA operations between RDA MIW and the federal government were executed on 21 December 2020.

The national network involves 52 RDAs across Australia, including the Indian Ocean Territories and Norfolk Island. RDAs work with all levels of government, business and community groups to support economic and workforce development, local procurement, strategic regional planning and to inform programs and infrastructure investments.

In early November 2020, Assistant Minister Marino announced applications were open for Chair positions for 46 RDA Committees across Australia – including our local RDA Mackay Isaac Whitsunday.

On 23 December 2020, Assistant Minister Marino advised the appointment of Professor Pierre Viljoen to the position of Chair of RDA Mackay Isaac Whitsunday to 30 June 2025.

In making this announcement, Assistant Minister Marino said, “Professor Viljoen will lead RDA Mackay Isaac Whitsunday under a refreshed charter that focuses their role on driving investment and local procurement opportunities and, through this, creating jobs and economic growth for our regions.”

“I look forward to working with Pierre and the RDA MIW members and staff over the coming years, and encourage the community to reach out to their RDA to discuss how it can help business succeed.”

In accepting the appointment, Prof Viljoen said, "Regional Australia needs local leaders with the skills and knowledge to develop and coordinate strategies to address challenges facing their region and create opportunities for growth.” In this regard I look forward to working with the RDA Committee members and regional stakeholders in progressing development and growth in the MIW region.

“The refreshed RDA charter provides an emphasis on greater alignment across all levels of government and regional planning that identifies and advocates strategic long-term investment priorities.

“RDA MIW will continue its efforts to ensure the voice of the region is heard.

“We have a determined corporate goal to ensure the region will be at the centre of economic and employment growth for the greater Whitsunday region, statewide Queensland and Australia wide.

 “There is still much to be done and, as always, I encourage all in the community to contact the RDA to discuss topics of interest.

 “I would like to thank Mr Darryl Camilleri for his long-term involvement with RDA MIW and specifically for his efforts as Chair over the past three years. I wish Darryl all the best in his future endeavors.”

For more information on the RDA program, visit and